Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

The 20 Best Laravel Alternatives for Web Development

Laravel Django ExpressJS Flask Ruby on Rails ASP.NET Spring Boot Vue.js React AngularJS
  1. A PHP Framework For Web Artisans
    • Open Source
    Oh, you bet. When devs talk Symfony, they’re eyeing robustness and a modular vibe that Laravel fans might miss. Its reusable components could tempt even the most loyal Laravel artisans to at least take a peek.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #PHP Framework 201 social mentions

  2. 2
    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
    • Open Source
    The first of these Laravel alternatives is Django. Django’s like that one-stop shop where you grab everything you need for a full-blown web project, all off one shelf. It’s the big-brained Python framework that anticipates your moves, keeping you steps ahead with a crazy stack of built-in features.

    #Python Web Framework #Python MVC Framework #Web Frameworks 14 social mentions

  3. Sinatra inspired web development framework for node.js -- insanely fast, flexible, and simple
    • Open Source
    Express.js — or Express for the cool cats — is Node.js’s minimalist wingman. It’s the train tracks for your web app, setting the path, defining the stops, but letting you drive the engine.

    #JavaScript Framework #Node.js Framework #Web Frameworks 426 social mentions

  4. 4
    a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions.
    • Open Source
    Flask is the micro that’s got your back without trying to run the show. It comes with the essentials but trusts you to pick your tools — no baggage attached, truly Pythonic at heart.

    #Python Web Framework #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools 42 social mentions

  5. Ruby on Rails is an open source full-stack web application framework for the Ruby programming...
    • Open Source

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #Frameworks (Full Stack) 122 social mentions

  6. ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
    ASP.NET’s got that Microsoft muscle, a powerhouse of a framework for building dynamic web services and more. It lets you roll out robust websites with the smoothness that comes with deep pockets. Perfect for .NET software development teams.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Python Web Framework 20 social mentions

  7. Create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss
    Spring Boot — Java developers’ shortcut to a galaxy of applications. It’s a leap forward, ditching the boilerplate, no longer about “all the setup”, it’s about “all the creation”.

    #Project Management #No Code #Development

  8. 8
    Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces
    • Open Source
    Vue.js — a sprightly little JavaScript framework — charmingly simple, surprisingly powerful. It’s playful, it’s approachable, and it makes building UIs and front-end applications feel like a walk in the park.

    #Front-End Frameworks #Javascript UI Libraries #JS Library 342 social mentions

  9. 9
    A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
    • Open Source
    React’s the cool kid on the block, turning heads since Facebook dropped it at our feet. Building dynamic user interfaces feels less like coding, more like crafting with this JavaScript library.

    #Javascript UI Libraries #JS Library #JavaScript Framework 778 social mentions

  10. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
    NestJS is a Node.js framework that’s inspired by Angular, and guess what? It’s written in TypeScript. Building with Typescript is like you’re navigating with the stars. It’s all about sturdy architecture, a server-side framework that enjoys the scripting superness while piling on extra sturdiness.

    #Javascript UI Libraries #JS Library #Front-End Frameworks 47 social mentions

  11. A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web apps
    • Open Source
    Ember.js — the ambitious framework that promises a developer heaven, paving your road to productivity with a convention-over-configuration dogma and a solidly structured path.

    #Javascript UI Libraries #JS Library #JavaScript Framework 27 social mentions

  12. 12
    Meteor is a set of new technologies for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time.
    • Open Source
    Meteor — a full-stack platform that’s got every stage of your app covered. Real-time by default, it’s about in-sync, on-the-fly updates across client and server. Magic? Feels like it.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Python Web Framework 10 social mentions

  13. 13
    Cybernetically enhanced web apps
    • Open Source
    The next of these Laravel alternatives is Svelte. It cuts through the complexity, snipping off any excess, pre-compiling its magic to keep your app lightweight without shedding any muscle. The end result? Lightning strikes in web performance.

    #Javascript UI Libraries #JavaScript Framework #JS Library 356 social mentions

  14. 14
    A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.
    • Open Source
    NestJS is a Node.js framework that’s inspired by Angular, and guess what? It’s written in TypeScript. Building with Typescript is like you’re navigating with the stars. It’s all about sturdy architecture, a server-side framework that enjoys the scripting superness while piling on extra sturdiness.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #JavaScript Framework 184 social mentions

  15. 15
    Server Framework for Node.js
    • Open Source
    With Hapi, you get to mold your server framework like clay — sculpting routes, plugins, and the whole deal without breaking a sweat. It’s about building API artistries that are not just functional but fundamentally solid.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Python Web Framework 28 social mentions

  16. AdonisJs is a Node.js web framework with breath of fresh air and drizzle of elegant syntax on top of it
    • Open Source

    #Web Frameworks #JavaScript Framework #Javascript Web Framework 71 social mentions

  17. 17
    Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
    • Open Source
    Sinatra swings to its own tune, a Ruby framework for minimalist fans at heart. It’s about keeping it simple, just right for those times when all you need is a light, direct solution to serve and fly high.

    #Ruby Web Framework #Web Frameworks #Ruby MVC Framework 36 social mentions

  18. 18
    FastAPI is an Open Source, modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.
    • Open Source
    • Free
    FastAPI, as the name hints, is a swift mover. Built on Starlette, it’s all about speed and performance with Python. Crafting API masterpieces at the speed of light, now that’s something.

    #Developer Tools #API Tools #Python Programming 236 social mentions

  19. 19
    Next generation web framework for node.js
    • Open Source
    Koa — from the creators of Express — rolls out with new riffs in web application craftsmanship. It’s lighter, nimbler, and has ditched the middleware weight to give you more control. Call it Express’s leaner, meaner sibling.

    #Web Frameworks #MVC Framework #NodeJS Framework 36 social mentions

  20. Most web frameworks make you choose between speed and a productive environment. Phoenix gives you both.
    • Open Source
    Phoenix rises with the grace of Elixir, flaunting real-time features and robustness that could make even seasoned frameworks blush. It’s about fast, maintainable web experiences, not just quick fixes.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #Python Web Framework 13 social mentions

  21. An open source web framework which follows the model-view-controller architecture. It is light-weight, web-friendly, and stateless. It provides minimal overhead for highly-scalable applications.
    • Open Source
    Play Framework brings Scala and Java into harmony, offering a backstage pass to simplistic, asynchronous web development. No song and dance, just straightforward high-octane performance.

    #Scala Web Framework #Web Frameworks #Java Web Framework 1 social mentions

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