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Unlocking the Importance of Customer Data Exchange in the New Digital Age

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The proliferation of data and unprecedented uptake of technologies have completely changed the world of business. The rise of new data-driven solutions has proffered the changing business landscape a whole new dimension that was only vaguely present at the beginning of the digital era. 

On using these technologies, CIOs and business leaders have harnessed the true potential of data to make decisions proactively. They can, in turn, comprehend their customers’ demographics and delivered value. Therefore, on all accounts, these developments have triggered an epochal transformation that has helps businesses kickstart business pursuits, facilitating higher value and improving their ease of doing business. 

Digitalization has transformed the way organizations do business with their partner network. It has helped them speed operations, grow revenue, and deliver delightful customer experiences (CXs). Despite a lot of benefits, it has introduced multiple challenges. It has increased and reinforced the rise of connection points and devices online, and this isn’t even limited to individuals. With the rising data sources, the data exchange processes turn tedious and time-consuming.

Companies find it difficult to exchange data across business boundaries like customers and suppliers with ease. One of the most common implications of this outburst is complexity and delays. Business users especially those that rely on legacy solutions have to execute complex custom coding and EDI mapping to comprehend customer data, and this takes a lot of time or resources. As the resources become burdened, IT teams struggle to focus on more high-value tasks. This has a direct impact on productivity and the company’s value generation ability. 

Let us take an example to delve into details. A manufacturing firm is producing tons of information, and all this data can be shared with partner businesses to facilitate better customer interactions. Ensuring secure data exchange and transfer can help companies do that without difficulty. 

Owing to amplification in apps and other significant technologies, the expectations of customers have also reached heights. Subsequently, companies’ interactions and data exchange have become complex. Now, in that case, organizations have to handle a colossal amount of information that is not only difficult but also costly. In case when a user fails to analyze the datasets on time, growth suffers. 

Suffice to say, with a plethora of data points increasing and virtually everyone getting online and generating a data trail behind them, the complexity of data increases by leaps and bounds. The problem increases further with growing expectations of digital customer and the data being exchanged and tracked.

Following the big data revolution, companies’ get impacted by challenges associated with the 4Vs: Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity have taken a toll on the majority of companies. 

Most companies fail to tackle these aspects of big data, making them difficult to do business with. When the customer data is not comprehended properly, decision-making suffers. Due to delays incurred, revenue generation slows down to boot. 

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Ensure Secure Data Exchange with Self-Service 

For a long period of time, companies find it challenging to derive the true value of data with ease and speed. Those who rely on EDI or API-first integration strategies experience even a lot more hurdles. They fail to tackle high-volume data that has immense volume, multiple versions, semantics, variety, and veracity. Ultimately, they are not able to meet the customers’ expectations and drive the business forward. Self-service integration solution has a major role to play here. 

Adeptia with self-serve capabilities empower all business users (non-technical users) to integrate data faster and facilitate secure data exchange. And this can be done without taking a lot of time and resources. While business users create data integrations, IT teams can focus on more important tasks and therefore drive innovation. So, self-service integration solutions can act as guiding star for companies that struggle with handling data and use it to its full capacity. Firms can rely on it to handle large volumes of data for greater insights and agility. 

With features like AI mapping, pre-built application connectors, shared templates, user-friendly dashboards, non-technical users can easily onboard, ingest, transform, and integrate big data with speed and precision. It’s fair to say that complexities introduced by the rapid advances in the internet and related technologies can be tackled with modern data integration solutions. 

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Chandra Shekhar
Chandra Shekhar is a technology analyst who likes to talk about business integration and how enterprises can gain a competitive edge by better customer data exchange. He has 7 years of experience in product knowledge for SaaS companies.