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Performance and Scalability for Database-Backed Applications

Redis Kubernetes gRPC
  1. 1
    Redis is an open source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability.
    • Open Source
    We can take the previously mentioned idea of partitioning the database further by breaking up an application into multiple applications, each with its own database. In this case each application will communicate with the others via something like REST, RPC (e.g. gRPC), or a message queue (e.g. Redis, Kafka, or RabbitMQ).

    #Key-Value Database #NoSQL Databases #Databases 190 social mentions

  2. Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers
    • Open Source
    This approach offers advantages, such as more flexible development and deployment (you can develop and deploy each microservice separately). It also offers scaling benefits, since services can be orchestrated to run in different geographies, and instances of running services can be added and removed dynamically based on usage (e.g. Using orchestration tools like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes).

    #Developer Tools #DevOps Tools #Containers As A Service 298 social mentions

  3. 3
    Application and Data, Languages & Frameworks, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and Service Discovery
    • Open Source
    We can take the previously mentioned idea of partitioning the database further by breaking up an application into multiple applications, each with its own database. In this case each application will communicate with the others via something like REST, RPC (e.g. gRPC), or a message queue (e.g. Redis, Kafka, or RabbitMQ).

    #Web Servers #Web And Application Servers #Load Balancer / Reverse Proxy 92 social mentions

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