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Fixing A Broken Deployment to Google App Engine

RVM Jekyll Visual Studio Code Google App Engine
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    Ruby Version Manager. RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.
    • Open Source
    I checked build logs and found that bundle install was not working the same as it did on my machine. I installed rvm, tried multiple versions of ruby, attempted to upgrade various gems. Nothing worked.

    #Programming Tools #Programming #Ruby 27 social mentions

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    Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
    • Open Source

    #CMS #Blogging #Blogging Platform 182 social mentions

  3. Build and debug modern web and cloud applications, by Microsoft
    • Open Source
    VS Code does a great job running a folder inside a docker containers. I started up docker, clicked the two blue arrows on the left bottom corner of VS Code and chose.

    #Text Editors #IDE #Software Development 1043 social mentions

  4. A powerful platform to build web and mobile apps that scale automatically.
    In 2014, I took a web development on Udacity that was taught by Steve Huffman of Reddit fame. He taught authentication, salting passwords, the difference between GET and POST requests, basic html and css, caching techniques. It was a fantastic introduction to web dev. To pass the course, students deployed simple python servers to Google App Engine. When I started to look for work, I opted to use code from that class to deploy a personal site to google app engine.

    #Cloud Computing #Cloud Hosting #Backend As A Service 28 social mentions

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