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Ask HN: AI hackday at work – what shall I work on? Build LLMs Apps Easily
  1. 1
    Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
    • Open Source
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    • $20.0 / Monthly
    Bit of a controversial opinion (since we are on a programmer's forum) but if you just want to soley focus on the "AI" part and not get bogged down by the code, use a no-code tool like flowise ( You will create 100x more successful "showcase-able" AI experiments in the same time it'll take to spin up one from scratch - and guaranteed to have a lot more fun doing so! Some inspiration here: I've been creating both experimental and paid AI workflows in n8n since May. Happy to walk you through how to get started.

    #Automation #Web Service Automation #Workflow Automation 170 social mentions

  2. build your customized LLM flow using LangchainJS,
    • Open Source
    Bit of a controversial opinion (since we are on a programmer's forum) but if you just want to soley focus on the "AI" part and not get bogged down by the code, use a no-code tool like flowise ( You will create 100x more successful "showcase-able" AI experiments in the same time it'll take to spin up one from scratch - and guaranteed to have a lot more fun doing so! Some inspiration here: I've been creating both experimental and paid AI workflows in n8n since May. Happy to walk you through how to get started.

    #Utilities #Communications #Large Language Model Tools 9 social mentions

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