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Mako – fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust esbuild Mako Framework Parcel
  1. 1
    Bun is an all-in-one JavaScript runtime & toolkit designed for speed, complete with a bundler, test runner, and Node.js-compatible package manager.
    • Open Source

    #JavaScript Runtime #JavaScript #JavaScript Tools 149 social mentions

  2. An extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
    • Open Source
    Are you familiar with Java? If so, a web bundler is like a build tool which creates a single fat jar from all your source code and dependencies, so all you have to "deploy" is a single file... Except the fat jar is just a (usually minified) js file (and sometimes other resources like a css output file that is the "bundled" version of multiple input CSS files, and other formats that "compile" to CSS, like SCSS [1] which used to be common because CSS lacked lots of features, like variables for example, but today is not as much needed). Without a bundler, when you write your application in multiple JS files that use npm dependencies (99.9% of web developers), how do you get the HTML to include links to everything? It's a bit tricky to do by hand, so you get a bundler to take one or more "entry points" and then anything that it refers to gets "bundled" together in a single output file that gets minified and "tree-shaken" (dead code elimination, i.e if you don't use some functions of a lib you imported, those functions are removed from the output). Bundlers also process the JS code to replace stuff like CommonJS module imports/exports with ESM (the now standard module system that browsers support) and may even translate usages of newer features to code that uses old, less convenient APIs (so that your code runs in older browsers). I've been learning a lot about this because I am writing a project that is built on top of esbuild[2], a web bundler written in Go (I believe Vite uses it, and Vite is included in the benchmarks in this post). It's extremely fast, so fast I don't know why bother writing something in Rust to go even faster, I get all my code compiled in a few milliseconds with esbuild! Hope that helps. [1] [2]

    #JS Build Tools #Web Application Bundler #Project Management 127 social mentions

  3. Mako is a lightweight and easy to use PHP framework MVC modular.
    • Open Source
    A couple more: It can be hard sometimes to come up with names that aren't already in use. I think as long as it's clear in the description what it is, and the same name isn't shared for two projects that do approximately the same thing, maybe it's not so bad.

    #Web Frameworks #PHP MVC Framework #Developer Tools 1 social mentions

  4. 4
    Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
    • Open Source
    You forgot Parcel, which is working on v3

    #Web Application Bundler #Assets Bundler #JS Build Tools 105 social mentions

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