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Writing HTML by hand is easier than debugging your static site generator

htmx mkws(1) Pages CMS Astro Build Pelican
  1. 1
    high power tools for HTML
    • Open Source

    #Software Development #Javascript UI Libraries #JavaScript 79 social mentions

  2. Efficient Static Site Generator
    I only created for duplication and templates. Those are the only problems it solves. I think it's portable enough.

    #HTML #JavaScript #Web Development 20 social mentions

  3. Tired of juggling Git and YAML to update your Next.js, Astro, Hugo or Nuxt website? Make it easy on you and your team, get a user-friendly CMS running straight on top of GitHub.
    • Open Source
    Static site generators are very simple... So not really understanding what they are getting at. And for all the people who seem to struggle with writing markdown files or using a static site generator check out pagescms:

    #CMS #Static Site Generators #Website Builder 1 social mentions

  4. Astro is the web framework that you'll love to use.
    • Open Source
    Astro [0] a relatively new static site generator. It solves all of the issues I've had with SSG's that feel heavy, like Gatsby. Astro only as complex as you make it. It lets you write JSX-like syntax that compiles to static HTML. I use it for my personal site. [0]:

    #Website Builder #Blogging #Blogging Platform 187 social mentions

  5. A static site generator, written in Python, that requires no database or server-side logic
    • Open Source
    As the maintainer of the Python-based Pelican static site generator for over a decade, I can say with confidence that my experience has been nothing like what is described in this article. Most of Pelican’s code was written by other people, and yet I have spent almost zero time debugging that code, much less my own. After taking advantage of Pelican’s rich plugin ecosystem and adding a handful of useful plugins, I continue to be amazed by how much time this publishing system saves me, and how little time I must spend to keep everything running smoothly. What it would take to accomplish this by writing HTML by hand instead… I simply can’t fathom it. But once again, that’s just one person’s experience, and YMMV. [0]:

    #CMS #Blogging #Blogging Platform 26 social mentions

  6. This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.

    #Software Development #Software Development Tools #Web Development Tools 2462 social mentions

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