Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

Ask HN: Is there any software you only made for your own use but nobody else?

Tiny Tiny RSS Slidesome Bookee SikuliX Caddy 40 Hadiths saascast Deck for Reddit TimeSnapper
  1. Web-based news feed aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling...
    • Open Source

    #RSS #Insight Management #RSS Reader 43 social mentions

  2. Live slideshow from Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox and more
    I made an app for my brother's wedding so all invitees could easily upload and view photos in a shared slideshow (displayed on a big TV at the event). Dismantled as soon as the event was over. It took less than a day to create with SvelteKit, Dropbox, and Some more: - weather app with the <i>trendcast</i> just the way I like it. WIP, but already using it on daily basis. - quick link launcher; can launch multiple links at the same time. I use this multiple times a day. - tool to streamline conversions I frequently need. When the input type is detected on paste the converted value is automatically put into the clipboard. Also paste works from anywhere on the page. A super-niche hidden feature is if I paste the outerHTML of my SoFi relay accounts list, it will transform it into a TSV format for pasting into a Google sheets balance sheet. I use it a few times a month. - tool to calculate the time I needed to do something in a game I used to play. Automatically updated a calendar event with notifications. - another tool to help with planning in the game I used to play.

    #Social Media Aggregator #Marketing Platform #Content Curation 1 social mentions

  3. 3
    Bookee will save you time (and 😖) by giving you easy access to your bookmarks from any tab.
    Bookee: Chrome Extension to navigate my bookmarks a bit easier (I use the keyboard shortcut 50+ times a day).

    #Chrome Extrensions #Productivity #Tech 3 social mentions

  4. SikuliX automates anything you see on the screen of your desktop computer running Windows, Mac or some Linux/Unix.
    SikuliX looks quite useful.

    #Automation #Web Service Automation #Testing 18 social mentions

  5. 5
    The HTTP/2 Web Server with Automatic HTTPS
    • Open Source
    It's a glorified local setup, running in a cloud free tier. - Oracle Cloud Free Tier[1] for a Ubuntu VPS (4 ARM cores, 24 GB RAM). Surprisingly pleasant and reliable, given who's offering and for how much ($0). It used to be a FreeBSD VPS on DigitalOcean, until they kept screwing up their FreeBSD support and bricking my machines. - Caddy[2] web server with Let's Encrypt certificates, working as reverse proxy. - A Go server for HTTP (static files, uploads, maintaining server-sent-event channels). - A Python server for the widgets, communicating with the Go server via events exchanged in a socket. - Source code edited manually in-place (SSH or SSHFS[3], with Git) and restarted as needed. I know, I know, awful practice. But as I'm the only user, uptime during development is not a concern. - Startup is handled by a @reboot cronjob and a bash one liner. - Text files for "structured storage" (RSS feed items, authenticated sessions, mapping of uploaded file names). As horrible as it might all sound, it has survived ten years and two cloud vendors. Nowadays I might containerize it, or rewrite as one Rust server, but I think I made the right choices at the time. 8/10 given the unusual requirements. [1] [2] [3] <a href=""></a>.

    #Web Servers #HTTP/2 Web Server #Web And Application Servers 227 social mentions

  6. Hadith Nawawi is an Islamic Android App that is designed with the purpose to enlighten the heart and souls of Muslims around the globe with the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
    • Open Source
    I wrote an app to log mileage while doing deliveries, etc for my small business. It gives me a small tax benefit at the end of the year. To make it more fun, I gave the UI a "terminal" flair. I wrote it over the course of a week or so and I use it frequently. It's not that it won't see the light of day for anyone else but it's a very specific niche so I doubt anyone would even find it on the app store If anyone's curious: <a href=""></a>.

    #Mobile Apps #Religion #Web Search 1208 social mentions

  7. Take control of your web by running your own personal cloud server with Sandstorm.
    • Open Source
    This hits close to home. I have something similar, except it's not as featureful and it's ridiculously purpose-built for me. E.g. I have one page in this app for generating PDFs of a very specific type that I need. I have another page that parses CSVs from my bank. These aren't tools I use regularly, I just need them occasionally, but they're all in one repo in one project. There are of course apps that do each of these, but when you start integrating them together, with their different ways of doing auth, different kinds of APIs, etc. Things get so complicated. I worked in a company that integrated with some third parties and those integrations were easily 50% of the workload for the dev team and maybe 90% of the workload for support. There is so much effort being wasted on having different systems for different things. I feel like there's an idea out there that will solve all this for open source--maybe involving stitched GraphQL APIs, OIDC+JWT for auth, etc. Something kind of like Sandstorm[1] except with Sandstorm the different apps weren't necessarily built with Sandstorm in mind. In this system there would be a centralized identity management system like Keycloak that manages concepts like users, roles and apps, and everything else delegates auth to that centralized system. [1]

    #Cloud Computing #Control Panels #VPS 28 social mentions

  8. Revenue forecasting for Stripe based SaaS businesses
    I’ve probably made dozens of tools for myself that no one else uses, but — sort of by definition — none of them are publicly available. Who needs my orchestration app, access control UI, or Jenkins replacement? Nobody, that’s who. But a few years ago I took a couple weeks out and polished up one my personal tools for public use, and since then it’s seen exactly one other user. So, uhh, I guess that counts? It’s called Saascast (, and it builds revenue forecasts based on your Stripe subscription data. Took me probably two weeks to build, and required maybe half an hour of maintenance per month on average. I use it, though.

    #Analytics #SaaS #CRM 3 social mentions

  9. A desktop optimized, alternative way of browsing Reddit.
    Use it on the daily.

    #Productivity #Content Creators #Video Editing 14 social mentions

  10. TimeSnapper is an Automatic Screenshot Journal. Play back your week just like a movie.

    #Time Tracking #Time Management #Employee Monitoring 9 social mentions

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