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Top 9 Electronics in Operating Systems

The best Electronics within the Operating Systems category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.

Framework Laptop Intel NUC Raspberry Pi Udoo x86 Ultra Intel NUC boards ESPRESSObin esp32 ODROID-XU4


The top products on this list are Framework Laptop, Intel NUC, and Raspberry Pi. All products here are categorized as: Tools and resources related to electronic devices and components. Software that manages computer hardware and provides services for computer programs. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. Framework Laptop: upgradeable, repairable, and 100% yours. Starting at $999, with a fully refundable $100 deposit.

    #Electronics #Productivity #Laptops 420 social mentions

  2. Intel NUCs are available as Kits(Barebones), Boards(Mainbaord only) and as perconfigured Mini-PCs.

    #Electronics #Single Board Computer #System & Hardware

  3. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects. Join the global Raspberry Pi community.

    #Electronics #System & Hardware #Single Board Computer 23 social mentions

  4. Udoo x86 Ultra is a modern PC, known as the most powerful X86 maker board and an Arduino 101 compatible platform.

    #Electronics #Single Board Computer #System & Hardware

  5. Four-by-four inch Intel NUC boards come with a soldered-on processor.

    #Electronics #Single Board Computer #System & Hardware

  6. Electronics, Single Board Computer, and x86

    #Electronics #Single Board Computer #System & Hardware 3 social mentions

  7. NOTE: Asus RT-AC5300 has been discontinued.
    This fast and powerful router is marketed as a great option for gaming and media streaming. It broadcasts a strong Wi-Fi connection with great range, but it’s very expensive, costing just under $400.

    #Hardware #Electronics #Android

  8. 8
    A very cheap small chip, compatible with Arduino.

    #Electronics #Single Board Computer #System & Hardware 3 social mentions

  9. NOTE: ODROID-XU4 has been discontinued.
    ODROID-XU4 is a new generation of a computing device with more energy efficient hardware and a similar form factor.

    #Electronics #System & Hardware #Single Board Computer

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