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Top 6 Politics in Social Voting And Reviews

The best Politics within the Social Voting And Reviews category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.

Votebox Votedash


The top products on this list are Votebox, Votedash, and Openvote. All products here are categorized as: Software and platforms related to political information and activities. Social Voting And Reviews. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. NOTE: Votebox has been discontinued.
    Secure internet voting

    #Tech #Politics #Social Voting And Reviews

  2. Your nonpartisan tool for civic engagement

    #Tech #Politics #Social Voting And Reviews

  3. Crowd-voting platform, running a test for SF Election

    #CMS #Tech #Blogging

  4. The most accurate and unbiased way to predict the election

    #Communication #Group Chat & Notifications #Tech

  5. Democ unlocks your innate power as a member of a democracy-- by making it easy to vote together at work, home, school, and in all your real life groups.
    • Free

    #Social Voting And Reviews #Voting #Community Platform

  6. We live in an amazing time, when the opportunity to make a difference is greater than ever before.

    #Communication #Social Networks #Social Voting And Reviews 2482 social mentions

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