Software Alternatives & Reviews

SaaSHub Experts

Select Apr 30's Top 5 products
Selected: 0 out of 5


Explore free conversion tools

Conversions Unit Converter


Open source no-code database and Airtable alternative. Create your own online database without technical experience. Performant with high volumes of data, can be self hosted and supports plugins

Tech SaaS

Rebit helps you launch and manage sites easier. Start with an existing template, fully customizable without code. Try Inverr for free!

Web Development Tools Website Builder

Answer the Public

Find out what what questions people are asking Google and more.


GrowLab AI

GrowLab AI: Revolutionize Your Gardening with Customizable Automation - Your Plants, Your Rules. Maximize growth and efficiency with our BYOD-enabled digital gardening assistant. Simplify plant management, tailor your garden's needs, and unleash your

Agriculture & Farming Gardening


Online payment processing for internet businesses. Stripe is a suite of payment APIs that powers commerce for online businesses of all sizes. Use Stripe’s payment platform to accept and process payments online for easy-to-use commerce solutions.

Online Payments Recurring Billing

Daily AI sports picks generated by artificial intelligence. helps you analyze all NBA, NFL, MLB, UFC and soccer games. It has a massive database by having analyzed all the games in the past 3 years. Use AI to improve your sports bets.

Sports Sports Betting


White Label Fleet Management Software | GPS Tracking Software

Saa S Business Apps Software Development


Unified API for CRMs such as Salesforce, Hubspot and more!

Developer Tools Productivity


HackerRank is a platform that allows companies to conduct interviews remotely to hire developers and for technical assessment purposes.

Online Education Online Learning


Protect your brand. Register your trademark. Free verification. Simple online process. Transparent price. Money back guarantee.

Trademark Registration Business & Commerce

YouTube Summary

Input a Youtube video link, get a concise summary of the video's content without having to watch the video.

Video YouTube Tools

Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)

Developer Tools App Development


See what tools other indie makers are using.

Instant software planning and lightspeed development.

Development As A Service App Development

Select the Top 5 products
according to the community.

The goal is to select the most useful, interesting and innovative products.
  • 23 experts have promoted products this round.
  • There are 2407 pending nominations for next round.
  • Minimum rating to enter this round was: 280

Experts points per correct position: 108, 84, 63, 42, 21
Bonus points for total correct guesses: 8, 13, 21, 34, 55
e.g. If you selected top 1,2 & 5 products, you would get: 108 + 84 + 21 + 21 = 234 points

If you select more than 5 products (up to 10), you will have a bigger chance to get the top ones.
However, your points and rating will be adjusted proportionally.
e.g. 6 products selected: points * 0.9 points
7 products selected: points * 0.8 points

Nomination and User Comments


User avatar

Works well for us - recommend!

User avatar

Best payment Integrator. Even we use Stripe in

Answer the Public

User avatar

Very well curated service

User avatar is a stellar library for real-time web applications. It enables real-time, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. With just a few lines of code, you can set up a robust connection between the client and the server, which remains open, allowing real-time data transmission. Its event-based communication is intuitive, making it a great choice for developers new to real-time systems. Whether you're building a chat application, a live analytics dashboard, or anything in-between, is a tool that will accelerate your development process. Moreover, its vibrant community and well-maintained documentation are assets that can't be overlooked.