Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups


OPAL-RT’s mission is to provide cutting-edge real-time simulation technology to engineers and researchers around the world.

Top 3 Open-Source Alternatives to RT-LAB

GNS3 SOFA ns-3


The top open-source alternatives to RT-LAB are GNS3, SOFA, and ns-3. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. 1
    GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks.
    • Open Source

    #Simulation Software #Tool #Technical Computing 12 social mentions

  2. 2
    SOFA is a framework designed to facilitate medical simulations.
    • Open Source

    #Technical Computing #Numerical Computation #Data Visualization

  3. 3
    a discrete-event network simulator for internet systems
    • Open Source

    #Simulation Software #Tool #Technical Computing

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